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My Adventurous Song Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

2. Information we obtain from you
3. Cookies

4. What we do with this information

5. We do not share or sell your information to anyone at any time

6. Protection of your information

7. Legal importance of keeping user data

8. In the event of us being purchased

9. Changes to this policy

1. My Adventurous Song seeks to protect the privacy of the user as much as is possible. This means that My Adventurous Song LLC seeks to minimize the amount of information submitted by the user. We will not use the information obtained from the user in any harassing or harmful way. The information obtained by My Adventurous Song is detailed below:

2. Information we obtain from you

a. Email i. The user may submit their email in order to subscribe to My Adventurous Song's mailing list. The use of this information is to provide the user with updates to My Adventurous Song, including publications, new content, and free ebooks.
3. Cookies
a. My Adventurous Song LLC uses cookies to help make a better and more useful service. Cookies contain information such as session ID and length, time spent on different parts of our website, and login information.
b. My Adventurous Song uses cookies to improve the quality of the user experience on Information obtained from cookies helps us to improve our website and user enjoyment of it.

4. What we do with the information

a. We use this information to craft a better user experience. We use the email address to update the user through subscription of new materials from My Adventurous Song. We use the cookies to determine the type of interaction that users have with our site. b. We do not sell anyone’s information to anyone else. It is used solely for the purposes of a user’s individual experience with our site. c. We do not use any information to sell ads. Our profits come entirely by selling books. d. We will make every good faith effort to protect and secure all user-submitted information. 5. We do not share or sell your information to anyone at any time.
a. My Adventurous Song does not sell names, email addresses, or any other information obtained from the user to anyone at any time. 6. Protection of your information
a. My Adventurous Song makes every good faith effort to protect the information of its users. We have chosen host servers that utilize encryption, firewalls, and secure socket layer technology. Nevertheless, these measures are not infallible. Security breaches and loss of information may occur. By using this service, the user recognizes, understands, and agrees to assume these risks associated with this service. 7. Legal importance of keeping user data
a. My Adventurous Song will share user information with law enforcement or a legal team under the following conditions: i. In response to a law, a legal request, a governmental request, or a regulation. ii. In order to ensure the safety and integrity of our website. This includes fraud, attempts at hacking, and other threats to our site. iii. In order to prevent death or bodily harm. iv. Any other situations in which there is a potential violation of the law or a threat to My Adventurous Song LLC may require us to share user information with law enforcement or a legal team. In such a situation, we will do what is necessary to minimize the amount of information being shared with individuals not associated with My Adventurous Song LLC 8. In the event of us being purchased
a. In the event that My Adventurous Song is involved in a change of ownership or share of assets, the personal data of the users may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction. This privacy policy will apply to this personal data of the users as it is transferred to the new entity. 9. Changes to this policy
a. On occasion it may be necessary for My Adventurous Song to update this privacy policy. In such a situation, My Adventurous Song will make every good faith effort to notify users of this updated policy.